Blunt Rochester Statement on President's Remarks Welcoming Foreign Interference in Our Elections


Date: June 13, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump's remarks welcoming foreign interference in our elections:

"We are a nation of norms and of laws. Beyond the damaging policies and regulations that this Administration continues to pursue, perhaps the most dangerous aspect of this presidency has been the degradation of our most sacred norms. Last night, we saw the President move beyond just degrading those norms and into the realm of encouraging foreign adversaries to interfere in our elections. Make no mistake -- it is illegal for a foreign power to interfere in American elections," said Congresswoman Blunt Rochester. "I carry with me, every day, a scarf emblazoned with the voting card of my great great-grandfather. It is a constant reminder of how sacred but fragile our right to vote is. Donald Trump's encouragement of foreign interference is beneath the office of the Presidency and should be swiftly and strongly condemned. It is time for every member of Congress -- regardless of party -- to stand up and rebuke this dangerous statement made by the President."
